
Part of what this website aims to do is provide a vocabulary for intercultural experience, and give you helpful words and theories to use as you work through these issues.

Global Nomad – sometimes known as ‘Glomads’, these people live a mobile life, often working jobs that are independent of location, and separating themselves from territorial belonging.

MK – Missionary Kid. If your parents serve(d) as missionaries, no matter where, you are an MK with your own special set of joys and hardships. Welcome to the club!

TCK – coined by Dr Ruth Hill Useem, ‘Third Culture Kid’ refers to a person who has been brought up in a culture other than that of their parents’. This child is exposed both to their family’s culture, and to the culture of their host country, meaning they have a foot in both cultures, but don’t have full ownership of either. They belong to a ‘third culture’: a space where both of those influences come together. You can read more about this here: http://www.tckworld.com/useem/home.html#

Still have questions? These posts might help!

What’s culture, anyway?

Culture Shock Blues